If you have a medical concern at any time while the office is closed please call the After Hours Clinic (Family Health Organization Service) at:

(416) 486-1956.


You must bring a valid OHIP HEALTH card or you will be charged for the appointment.


The After Hours Clinic is available evenings and weekends to rostered patients for urgent medical concerns.

It is staffed by Family Physicians from the Mid Town Family Health Organization (FHO). The physician you see will have access to your electronic medical record and your family physician will receive a copy of the clinic note to ensure proper follow up.

Please use the After Hours Clinic instead of going to non-associated walk-in clinics.

Call (416) 486-1956 to book an appointment and to find out the location of the clinic (as the location varies nightly). Calls are answered Monday to Friday from 4-8pm.  You should always try to contact your family physician first to book an appointment before using the after hours service. This clinic is intended for acute medical issues that cannot wait to be assessed by your regular family physician.

On the day the After Hours Clinic is located at 20 Wynford Drive, our regular daytime clinic hours of operation will be 1pm to 5pm and the after hours clinic will start at 5pm.

If you have a medical emergency please go to the nearest emergency department or dial 911.